Monday, January 16, 2012

To the Bookstore!

Hey everyone!
So I just got home from a Barnes & Noble outing with my family, and I enjoyed myself as always. Armed with a gift card with $8 on it...
I got bored and just made this picture, pretty dumb, huh? Anyway, have any of you walked into a bookstore, taken a deep breath as you walked through the door, and felt completely at peace? Well, I always do when I walk into my bookstore! I wandered around for a while, and eventually found myself at the teens' section. I browsed for a bit, and I found the most awesome book! It's called Love Story by Jennifer Echols (Whose surprised that I was attracted to the title? Anyone who knows me shouldn't!). It's about a girl who is majoring in writing, which is what I'm planning on doing, so I'm excited to start reading it! But after I finish Anna and the French Kiss, of course. Then after I browsed for a while, I sat myself in the children's section and wrote (I chose the childrens' section because it's so quiet all the time, unless there's a screaming two year old or something like that). How could the evening have gotten any better? I don't think that it could have!
Song of the Day: Set Fire to the Rain- Adele
I've had this song stuck in my head ALL DAY!!! But it's okay because it's an amazing song, Adele's really outdone herself on this one! But then again, all her music is awesome so is it really a surprise?
~Lizzie Rose~

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