I hope that you are all well. I have yet another snow day today, and I don't know wether I'm happy or upset by this, because my school ran out of makeup days two snow days ago. So now it's chipping away at my summer, one day at a time. This is not acceptable! The summer is mine, mine, mine!!
Winter just needs to calm itself down, and stop dumping snow on our parade.
Spring just needs to get here already.
So anyway, all this free time has given me lots and lots of internets and thinking time (dangerous combonation, I know) about how the internet gives us power. Take this blog for example, anyone can read this, and whatever I put on here could have a good or bad affect on someone. Anyone can be an inspiration, wether through twitter, tumblr, blogger, Instagram, YouTube, whatever medium you use. These platforms allow us to put our stamp on the world, to express our opinions, and that's a tremendous thing. It blows my mind whenever I think about it!
Okay, I'm done now. Can you tell I have way too much time on my hands?
Stay warm. I'll be huddled under covers watching Frasier!
Lizzie Rose
Song of the Day: Team by Lorde
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