Today was the stuff that pretty awesome days are made of. Beautiful weather and a quiet walk home, no homework. Sitting on the couch near a window, blogging. Pretty great! I hope everyone else's day was great, too!
So right now, I am reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Rereading, actually. The first time through I really didn't understand anything on the pages... Past the "Pride" and the "Prejudice", I was pretty lost. But now, maybe a year and a half later, I am attempting it again, and reading a bit slower this time, and I am having loving it again! I loved it before, the parts that registered I enjoyed and I thought were well written. (Well, then again, it is Jane Austen for crying out loud... Of course it's well written!) I am reading really, really slowly, though. I'm savoring and thinking over every part of the book.
But I think that's how you should read a classic, or any book for that matter. The slower you read the better, so that you can catch the meaning of the book.
That's how I remember so much about books. My friends are always surprised at how much I remember from a book I read, no matter how long ago it was. I guess that's a funny thing with me...
Sooo, anyway... I wanted also wanted to share a picture with you guys...
It's a huge lollipop!! Be jealous, haha! I got it when my school chorus ran a Sock Hop fundraiser, and my little chorus group sang Lollipop. You know, like on that old computer commercial.... I think it was for Dell...? I don't know, YouTube the song and you'll see which song I'm talking about.
So anyway, everyone got all dressed up in poodle skirts and ponytails, the cliche fifties stereotypes... And it was sooo much fun!! everyone had a blast, and I even got a big lollipop out of the deal! I haven't eaten it yet, it's so pretty I almost don't want to! I'll probably open it tomorrow, it's so late now that if I eat it, I'll be bouncing off the walls all night, haha!
On that note, I have to go to bed. Having a good day makes one tired, after all. Hope you all have a lovely night tonight and a great day tomorrow!
~Lizzie Rose~
Song of the Day: Paperback Writer- The Beatles
This is such a great song, and it has a particular special meaning to me, since I want to be a published novelist. Also, it's been stuck in my head all day. That has an influence as on the Song of the Day as well. If you have never listened to Paperback Writer before... What's wrong with you?! Go listen to it! You'll never be the same again... Haha, just kidding, but seriously, go listen to it :)
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