Hello everyone!
This summer has been both memorable and a little disappointing. Memorable because of all the memories made, mostly good, some not so much. June flew by. I kept up with my exercising, and basked in the newfound freedom that only comes with a summer spread in front of you, all fresh and new, possibilities out the wazoo (that rhymed, super proud of myself right now). The last week of June, my aunt and uncle from California flew home with their boys, and launched us into the busiest week of the summer. We drove down almost every day and spent as much time as possible with them. Hiking, a day at an amusement park, picnics with old family friends. That week was so much fun, but by the end of it, we were all so exhausted that it was refreshing to go back to our own corners for a bit.
The days following led into July 4th, which we spent with my other grandparents. We didn't go out or set off fireworks, but we had a nice, quiet night in. After Independence Day, July slipped from my fingers like sand. I got out of the habit of exercising, and struggled to keep the practice. I must have only exercised about 7 times over the entire month of July, thus hitting my plateau. (I'm still planning on writing a post all about my healthier lifestyle. I had foolishly planned on waiting until I had gotten to my goal weight to post my complete story, but more and more I'm realizing that that could be a looong time from now. So, I'm thinking I will post updates, I'm not sure how often, though.) July was also the most exciting, what with the BookTubeAThon, Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathons, a day trip to Philadelphia with my cousin, graduation parties, getting my own car and finally working towards my license (I've named my car Kaylee, after my favorite character in Firefly), and a few more personal things that I will have learn from. Learning to take the leap, getting back up with things crash and burn and learning from them. I won't call them mistakes, because even though some of them hurt, they were worth it.
This led into last week at the beach with my family. Every year we rent a house in our favorite beach town and producing some of my favorite memories of the summer. Spending the entire week with my best friend and cousin, talking and getting even closer. Memories that I will hold on to when I'm slogging through what will probably be the longest year of my life... Senior year.
I'm still in denial that there is only two weeks left to my last "carefree" summer, and that in two weeks I will begin my senior year. When I try to think about it, my stomach clenches up and I get a headache. You know how when you've been with someone for a while, and after being separated from them for a while, you romantasize the relationship that you had with them, so much so that the relationship becomes so skewed that it's nowhere near how it really was? I think that I've been doing the opposite with school. Since I've been away, it's been blown up as this big, horrible thing in my head.
When I really think about it, there are quite a few things to look forward to this year. My classes are pretty exciting, and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends on a regular basis again. There are quite a few things to be proud of, including the fact that I've lost around 30 pounds since February. If I stop over analyzing every little thing, hopefully I'll be able to enjoy myself as the "year of lasts" officially begins. I mean, if I really think about it, it began in June, but I don't think it would be wise.
But summer isn't over yet, and there are still quite a few things to loom forward to, like Taylor Swift's live stream on the 18th, the arrival of my pre-ordered copy of Stephanie Perkins' new book that I have been waiting for for what seems like FOREVER, visiting with my grandparents next weekend. Taking it one day at a time, trying not to over analyze and savor the days. Because no matter how much I daydream about it, time only goes one way. That, And Doctor Brown destroyed the De Lorean.
Here are a few of the pictures from this summer...
A wildflower picked for me by one of my friends at youth group.
One of my favorite parts of summer, peaches!
~Lizzie Rose~