Look what I found at a book sale yesterday, some awesome old books! Here are some pictures...
Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Paradise Regained by John Milton. Here are the books alone...
Here's the page of my very favorite poem in Sonnets from the Portuguese...
Look at the design of the H. I think that it is so cool! Books should still be made like that today!
And here's Paradise Regained...
The camera really doesn't do it justice! Look at the picture on the cover, and the detailing on the other side. Up close, the detailing on the whole cover is so ornate and, well, gorgeous! I'm especially happy about this find!
Here's a look at the inside of the book...
It's in pretty good condition, it's hardly yellowed at the edges of the pages!
I'm so happy I found these! Surprisingly, these were only two dollars each. Pretty nice, huh?
I hope you enjoyed these pictures. Hope everyone is having a lovely day! Or had a lovely day I guess is more accurate...
~Lizzie Rose~
Song of the Day: We Live for Love- Pat Benetar
I love this song because I can sing it, even the really high notes :) It's a really awesome song!